What if your waterproofing solution is too heavy ?

The renovation of your roof’s waterproofing is a crucial decision that requires close attention to the load-bearing capacity of your structure.

While bituminous membranes are widely used, their weight can place significant pressure on the roof, leading to potential risks to the safety and durability of your building.

Ignoring your roof’s load-bearing capacity is a hazard, and choosing lightweight solutions like our Drylast CRWP® membrane  is a solution to ensure your roof's structural integrity.

Understanding your roof’s load-bearing capacity

Throughout the year, your roof is exposed to various loads, whether mechanical or climatic, such as snow or rain. To prevent serious structural issues, it is essential to determine your roof's allowable load.

Building standards and codes provide precise calculations to assess this capacity based on the specific characteristics of your roof.

The formula for calculating the total load of a roof takes into account various factors, including permanent loads, climatic loads, and service loads.

It is important to note that bituminous membranes, while widely used, can be relatively heavy compared to other waterproofing materials, requiring a sturdier roof structure to support them.

To calculate the total load of a roof, the formula expressed in decanewtons (daN)/m² is as follows : S = G + Qk(1 + ψk) + ΣPi

Where :

S : Total roof loads
G : Permanent loads
Qk : Climatic loads
ψk : Combination coefficient (dependent on the nature of the climatic loads)
ΣPi : Operational loads

Advantages of lightweight solutions

The advantages of lightweight roofing waterproofing solutions go beyond their reduced weight, which is less than 2 kg/m².

Compatibility with Various Substrates

Lightweight solutions like the Drylast membrane are designed to adapt to different types of existing substrates such as concrete, bitumen, EPDM, steel, aluminum, PVC, and polyurethane. This suitability allows for application on most roofs.

Adaptability to complex designs 

Roofs often have complex configurations, with various surfaces, angles, and architectural elements. Our membrane is applied to these surfaces precisely, even in demanding environments, without compromising structural integrity or requiring major adjustments.

Reduced structural reinforcement costs

With a low weight of less than 2 kg/m², our lightweight liquid waterproofing solution does not exert excessive pressure on the underlying roof structure and does not require removal and reinstallation. Consequently, it eliminates the costly need to reinforce the existing structure to support an additional load or to remove and reinstall materials.

Application without constraints

The rapid application of our technology minimizes disruptions for building occupants. Labor costs are reduced, and no financial loss is incurred as your business continues during the entire renovation project.

Long-lasting performance

Our membrane provides long-lasting performance and resistance to weather, UV, and other climatic aggressions. The quality of our solution guarantees reliable protection for your roof, extending its lifespan.


Lightweight and durable : the winning combo

When choosing a waterproofing solution for your roof, it is essential to consider the load-bearing capacity of your structure. Opt for lightweight solutions like our liquid waterproofing membrane, which offers safety and durability guarantees for your roof, and thus avoids costly structural issues in the long term.

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