Businesses : how to cope with rising electricity costs ?

Since February 1st, 2024, the electricity bills for businesses have increased by approximately 10%. This rise is attributed to the gradual phasing out of the tariff shield implemented by the Government in October 2021.

Le bouclier tarifaire devait initialement se terminer en décembre 2023. La taxe intérieure de consommation finale de l’électricité (TICFE) remonte donc progressivement dès février 2024 à 21€, et prévoit un retour à la normale en février 2025. Cette hausse a un impact significatif sur les finances des entreprises. Pour une entreprise sur 5, l’énergie est devenue le premier poste de dépenses.

Cool roofing is a technology that is becoming increasingly recognized for addressing the energy and climate crisis.

This high-albedo coating applied to roofs is designed to enhance the energy performance of your building. With its reflective effect, the roof absorbs less heat, reducing your air conditioning costs.Cool roofing has a significant economic impact, potentially saving up to 30% on your annual air conditioning bills.

By combating roof overheating on a larger scale, cool roofing helps reduce Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and maintains cooler indoor temperatures within buildings. This improves thermal comfort during the summer.

While reducing your carbon footprint, this technology will help you better manage the rising costs of electricity.

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